Yours and Not Yours Out Now Yours and Not Yours 9th February 2018 Read More Daisy PalmerFebruary 9, 2018mesadorm, babylegs records, Blythe Pepino, Tom Jacob, daisy palmer, David Johnston, Jo Silverston, Aaron Zahl, anna jacobComment
Mesadorm drop teaser for new single 'Yours And Not Yours'.... Daisy PalmerJanuary 21, 2018mesadorm, babylegs records, Tom Jacob, anna jacob, blythe, Blythe Pepino, Jo Silverston, Aaron Zahl, David Johnston, Yours And Not YoursComment
Watch Mesadorm's video for Tell Me Directed by the Amazing Tom Jacob! Daisy PalmerDecember 12, 2017Tom Jacob, babylegs records, Blythe Pepino, mesadorm, collaboration, Tell Me, daisy palmer, StroudComment
Tell Me debut single from Mesadorm out now! Daisy PalmerDecember 3, 2017mesadorm, Tell Me, babylegs records, adam hinksComment